Monthly Archives: October 2011


There are some days when I feel the world threatens to get the best of me. But today is not one of those days.  There are other days when I feel so helpless, so useless, so unloved.  But, again, today is not one of those days.

Today is a day for rejoicing!  Oh, nothing momentous happened this week except for the time I spent reflecting on the love of God.  How big it is, how all-encompassing it is.  How beautiful it is and how that beauty washes over into each and every day – whether we feel it or not.

God’s love was pointed out to me via a flower.  Gorgeous red flowers bloom in my garden almost every day.  They delight me not only for their serene loveliness, but how they are unfazed by the calendar. Here, October brings gorgeous colors while, in my native Midwest, the radiance of our flower bed is slowly diminishing with fall’s chill.

Each delicate bloom reminds me how God interjects such exquisite beauty into our lives just to remind us of that love. And then it struck me, when I can’t Jesus can.  When I ask Him to come quickly, He is there by my side.

In that moment starring at the flowers under a bright blue sky, God’s awesome love pricked my heart in a profound way.  He tells us in Matthew 6: 28 – 30: “See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?”

Yes, Christ was talking to me when He spoke about those with little faith.  My puny faith often doesn’t appreciate the remarkable strength of our God.  I must remind myself that no matter what troubles I experience in my life, they are still not bigger than God.  His peace still surpasses it.  His strength can overcome it.  That He is control brings comfort to me.

Whether it was a flower, a cloud, a person or an experience, God brought something into your life today to remind His magnificent love covers you always.  And that calls for rejoicing!