Monthly Archives: May 2017

Who am I? I am Accepted

acceptance-clipart-acceptance-clipart-1God will never tell you “You aren’t good enough.” In the moments when we doubt we can take another step, he propels us forward. When we are weak and unsteady, he cheers us on. Not because of who we are, but because of Who he is and his enduring love. God loves you exactly as you are now.

Romans 15:7 tells us, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” With him, we are accepted; we can’t be shamed and we won’t be defeated. We never have to prove our worth because we already live in the amazing liberty of his authentic love.

As women, we often see ourselves as less than we are. Instead of God’s incredible masterpiece, our critical eyes take over. We berate ourselves and wish we could be like someone else. We see our personal issues and think of ourselves as failures, mistakes or worse.

Yet each one of us plays an exquisite part in the symphony of life making our disapproving opinion of ourselves mute. As Christian women, we possess a divine purpose: to show others who God is through the way we are. The way we live out his love in our hearts will be strikingly different. God made it that way since time began.

We don’t need to look a certain way because we reflect the image of God.  We never need to have it all together. He has already accepted us. This doesn’t mean we will never fail. It means with his grace and strength, we will get up and try again.

God understands we are both beautiful and broken. He affirms and loves us just where we are. All of us are beloved daughters of God, who treasures us beyond belief. He completely understands us and fiercely loves us.

Let’s dare to do the same for ourselves and each other.

Question: How does this truth change the way you think about yourself?