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Don’t Miss Out!

It has been a few years since I lost my sweet Rascal dog. My husband and I adopted her when the family who owned her told us she had developed behavioral problems around their children. She was a senior citizen when she arrived in our home, so we immediately knew each day was precious. We had four wonderful years with that loveable black dog and I was heartbroken when she passed. I didn’t know I could love a dog so much.

This August, I published my first book. The initial chapter is about Rascal. For several months now, I’ve had numerous readers talk to me about her. Sometimes our conversations feel like someone is pulling me around by my hair. It hurts that much. But other times, they remind of the unconditional love of a pet and how Rascal shared that with me.

image002After she passed, I debated long and hard about getting another dog. When I finally decided to look, one of the options was from a litter of squirming puppies. The breeder picked up a female and handed her to me. My first thought was, “This little one will break your heart.” Memories of Rascal’s passing barred me from enjoying the wriggles and soft licks of this newborn pup. Before we finally took Lily home, I visited that litter three or four times anxiously holding one of the female puppies, pondering if I was making the right decision.

It is so easy to allow life to close down your heart but when you do, you miss out on some of the most wonderful things in life. The worries, the potential for heartbreak, the fear of the unknown rob us of the joy of now.

I don’t think of myself as a worrier. Apprehension about life isn’t my typical modus operandi, sometimes pushing my risk-taking much further than I should. I’ve found, however, I can’t hide my fears right before bedtime. Negative thoughts swirl through my mind keeping me up. I often need to remind myself to set aside my worries – to get up in the morning and strive to live to the fullest because that is what God wants.

God’s love for us knows no borders. He desires for us to thrive in this world. Holding on to fear, failures and worry is being in bondage. 1 Peter 5:7 states, Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. I’ve often struggled with bringing past hurts and disappointments into my present and allowed them to rob me of my joy.

The present is a brightly wrapped gift. God wholeheartedly desires we enjoy it. Fears and doubts rob us of His blessings. Every day overflows with miracles poured down on us from our Heavenly Father. I don’t want to miss a single one of them. Do you?

Had I not opened my heart to that little puppy, I would have missed a lot. I wouldn’t know the joy of driving Lily to the doggie park. I would have been unaware of how she knows the way, bouncing up and down with excitement in the back seat sometimes barking loudly as if to say, “Can’t you make this car go any faster?” And I would have remained ignorant of the beauty in watching her romp with her canine friends. Sometimes I can hardly contain my bliss, wanting to fall to my knees in the park to thank Him.

We can always come to Him with thanksgiving. He is faithful to provide. He helped me overcome my fears of loving a new dog and replaced them with the sweetness of hours enjoyed with her. Captivated by that simple pleasure, I’ve learned when fears and worries creep into my life, I only need replace them with gratitude.

It is the same with you. The God of peace will be with you for all time. He is always beside you and he always will be. Embrace the peace that comes from focusing intently on Him. And live unafraid.

Cast every anxious moment, every heartbreak on Him. Walk by faith. Live by faith. Don’t miss out on all the grand adventures God has planned for you.  Don’t miss a single moment.


Today, I am struggling to do something, anything. I’m restless and unsatisfied because it’s cold, overcast and rainy, which is out of the ordinary for sunny southern California. Maybe not the coolness of the day – it is winter, after all. The rain, welcome in the midst of the drought, leaves me feeling like crawling under the covers with a good book. Or better yet, just pulling the blanket over my head and forgetting the world for a while. You know what I mean; we all have days like this.

There are things I should be doing – closets to clean, people to write, organizing my desk, decluttering a few problem areas in the house, but somehow I can’t seem to muster the energy. Not just to finish those tasks, but to even care about completing them, even though I know this down-in-the dumps pattern always vanishes once the task is complete.

happy-personIt probably isn’t a coincidence I’m feeling this way only a few weeks into the new year.  This year, God is asking me to step up my game. To be fierce, to run boldly into the universe that sometimes feels like it is against me. Not on my power, but through the strength of the Holy Spirit.  God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. (2 Samuel 22:33) The presence of the living God that lives in us can turn all of us into fierce warriors as we make our way through this broken world.

I hear Him whisper to me, “Life is an adventure. See how I am pointing you towards joy.” Each time I’m tempted to cling to fear rather than fierceness, I can reach hold of God’s hand. He made all of us to be amazing individuals, who learn and create, who give delight and love. We are full of purpose and potential. He filled us with His wonder so we can motivate others during their setbacks.

God taught us to reach out, not pull back. To believe the best about people before assuming the worst. God wants us to freely give grace, realizing how very desperately we need it ourselves. He made us to inspire others by adding kindness to their lives, seeing the beauty in them and emboldening them because of His lavish love for us. God has never intended for us to be victims of the world, but to be doted on by Him.

Today, even though I feel like doing nothing and my heart is still a little off-kilter, I want to tell you: You’re wonderful. You are not alone. God loves you beyond your wildest imaginings.

This year, throw open your heart and live in the fierceness of His love. Live loved by the Creator of the universe Himself. Take a seat at the banquet of His abundance so that you won’t be begging for earthly table scraps.

Live well, live fiercely with God. 


Just Checking In

My German Shepherd, Lily, is the happiest playing in a doggie park. She loves them so much that when I utter the words doggie park, she’ll run to the door leading to my garage, waiting expectantly to be transported to a canine’s version of heaven on earth. Knowing those two words trigger her, I’ve developed the habit of saying LP (for La Paws) and CB (for Central Bark) so there is no disappointment if we aren’t headed for one.

Once in the park, Lily runs, romps and plays with all her canine friends, but she has this sweet habit. image002About every ten minutes, she’ll stop what she is doing and come back to me no matter where I am in the park. She doesn’t stay long. She holds my gaze for a second, then scampers off for a new doggie adventure. However, in that brief moment, I feel she’s telling me, “Just checking in. I know you’re here with me, but I’m just checking in.”

While I’m told this is part of the breed’s characteristic sense of loyalty, my dog is modeling for me what I should be doing with God. I want to walk with God. I want to journey through my days in tender, thoughtful conversation with Him. I want to be aware of His divine presence always mindful He is walking with me; that when I pray, He hears me. And when I’m scared or overwhelmed, He protects me.

It is far too easy to get seduced by the busyness of the day. The singular focus required to accomplish my tasks takes over and the hours slip by without me checking in. I forget that my life, my very happiness, is held together by Him. My deepest desire is to become like Lily, to stop what I am doing and take the time to say, “God, I know You are here. I’m holding my hand out to you. I want to walk with You. I’m just checking in.”

One thing I’ve learned is that I can’t do life alone. Inviting God into my life if even for brief moments throughout the day moves me from trying to proof my worth to Him to accepting His profound love for me. It is a lesson I need to learn over and over again. More conversation with God creates a holy strength in me. It allows me to do His work, to fulfill His purpose for me. We are called to love, to shower others with that love and I can’t do that unless I connect with God to be renewed by His strength and grace.

So I’m trying to develop the habit of circling back to God throughout my day. When I do, even in tiny moments of prayer, my life is transformed by Him. In an instant, I am grounded with the reality of His love for me because through these holy encounters I see the work of God around me. In those prayers, I show my trust and love for Him; the gratitude I feel for His grace. Life no longer wears me out so much. Because when I invite Him into my life, He answers with love, connection and communion with Him.