Monthly Archives: February 2011

Pawprints in the Snow

Right before the Chicago Blizzard of 2011 struck, we got a puppy!  It had been over a year since my beloved Rascal dog had passed away and I was ready for the pitter-patter of little paws.  Mind you, maybe not before the 3rd worst blizzard to hit Chicago. 24 inches of snow can literally swallow up a little puppy and the below zero temperatures that followed the blizzard weren’t much better for trips outside. Despite those unique challenges, Lily is a joy.

We are learning so much about her and her personality – what she craves and hates.  We love waking to her pleas to get out of her crate and embrace the day.  And I most enjoy her tail-wagging and little “Lily kisses.”

It is surprising to me, despite her fierce independence, and sometimes downright stubbornness, how utterly dependent she is on us.  Our trainer tells us that Lily needs to know this – even down to the air she breathes.  Whenever the trainer reminds us of that, it brings to mind the relationship we enjoy with God.

He is right there with us – besides us, behind us and before us.  The Bible promises that He is always at our right hand, keeping us secure.  With joy, we can call on Him and He will answer us.  He is a perfect refuge.

Richard and I try to provide the best place for Lily – safe environment, good food, lots of love.  So much more so our heavenly Father does for us.  He provides us with a safe place under the shadow of His wings.  He is our rock, our fortress.  Our cover and our shield.  He rescues us from our enemies and always hears our cries for help.

I look forward to learning more about Lily’s doggie ways, of letting each day unfold to a new mystery about her.  But, as much as I yearn for that, I ache that each day be a new miracle from my heavenly Father – the one on whom I am so dependent that even the air I breathe is His wonderful gift to me.

(Parts based on Psalms 16, 17, 18)