Who am I? I am Loved!

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 (NIV)

At 36,070 feet below sea level, the Challenge Deep (off Guam) is the deepest part of the ocean. Even if you could descend to that depth, God’s love for you would be deeper still.

His capacity to love is endless. There is never a room you will enter that does not already contain God’s love. There is never a circumstance when God is not with us or his love is not working on our behalf. In every situation, God’s love is in it, around it, working through it – simply because the God of All Creation dwells within you.

God knew we had a need we could never meet. Even in our sin and brokenness, he still loved us and wanted to be with us. Rather than abandoning us, he gave. God offered his son to the world even though we didn’t deserve his love.

Yet, he wants his love to be returned. God pulled on skin to help us fit into ours – made his love lesson into words we can read. He willingly laid down his life so we would be saved by his grace.  The God who renovated this fallen world with nails driven right through his hands expects us to not only receive his love, but love him in return.

God’s love is one of the most exciting and life-changing truths you’ll ever know.  Wrap yourself in the breadth of it, feel the length of his mercies and the depths of Christ’s sacrifice.  Rejoice that wherever you go, you are carried on the waves of his love.

How could you not love a God who cares for you so deeply?

Question: How does this truth change the way you think about yourself?

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