
Lily graduated on Saturday.  Its odd talking about a graduation for a dog, but it is quite an accomplishment for both handler (me) and the dog.  Lily wasn’t the star of her beginner’s obedience class, but then again, she wasn’t the dunce either.  Somewhere in the middle, which means we have some work to do in order to excel in the next class.

During our test, my nervousness was near its all time high.  I kept telling myself to relax since the dog can sense your feelings.  As her handler, I wanted her to do well; to remember all we worked on.  I was her leader and she needed to trust me enough to follow my commands.

Once Lily received her diploma and we were on the way back home, I thought about how God feels when we aren’t obedient to Him.  He loves us consistently, faithfully, righteously.  He loves us to the height, breath, length and depth of His being.  His love sought us, adopted us, brought us into His family- making us His children and heirs.  2 John 1:6 states:  “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands.  As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love.”

I would not stop loving Lily if she failed her exam.  Just the same, I believe God will never stop loving me no matter how badly I disobey His commands.  His love assures me of His acceptance and covers me with His grace.  The signature of His love is written all over my life – upholding me in my trials, guiding me in the journey and keeping me to the end.

Just as I wanted Lily to excel, God only wants the best for me.  In Isaiah, God writes us a beautiful love letter:  “I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland…so my chosen people can be refreshed.”

As Lily’s owner, I will continue to love her, feed her, teach her, comfort her.  As the owner of my life, God will bring me great comfort, deep peace and overflowing joy.  And through the tests that I face, the only way I can excel is to be lost in His love.

Covered entirely by that love, I’ve found my resting place and the home of my deepest contentment.

One thought on “Obedience

  1. Audrey-Jane

    What a comfort to know that like with you and Lily, God will always love us no matter how many mistakes we make along the way. Very well said, Martha!


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