A School of Fish

Recently, a large pod of dolphins was spotted swimming off the California coast – maybe thousands of them or so the news reported.  As I watched the video on television, I was whisked back to elementary school science class where I learned dolphins form these groups for protection.  And it made me think how we, as Christians, follow the same behavior.

This “school of fish” is exemplified in Acts 2 where believers “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.  They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all people.” (Acts 2:42-47).

The members of the early church surrounded themselves with others who were of the same mind and were committed to growing in the Lord. This was a time for them to be encouraged, to learn and to get recharged to share the gospel. Verse 47 continues to say “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”  They were not isolating themselves in a Christian bubble but were still meeting others and sharing the good news message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I’ve heard this passage read many times in church, but I never related it to fish – until now. You see, God places people in our lives who offer us protection and encouragement.  They may be new friends or others that have just recently come alongside us.

But their importance can not be minimized.  My school of fish continually encourages me to stand firm in my faith, teaches me the joys of a Christian life, models Christ’s love and protects me from sin.

  • My Husband: Over twenty years ago, God worked a miracle in my life and caused me to cross paths with my husband. Richard is a man whose faith and unwavering resolve to trust God’s goodness constantly inspire me as we face various challenges and situations in our life.
  • My Friends: I always pray to God to shower me with godly friends. {After all, who can’t benefit from another friend?} Each day I am amazed at how the Lord answered that request beyond what I could imagine. My band of women friends have held me accountable, cried with me, laughed with me and shared in my pain and joy!
  • My Small Group Members: While I’m not sure if they were ever officially called mentors, I’ve always had wonderful role models pouring God’s truth in me, teaching me how to study the Bible and so much more.

Who is in your school of fish? Whatever life situation you are in, be like the early believers who put a premium on learning from fellow believers and committing to growing in love and faith.

If you are blessed with a large school of fish surrounding you, protecting you and encouraging you, please take time this week to lift a prayer of thanksgiving up to God.

But most importantly, ask God to make you a fish – to give you the strength, wisdom and love to impact another’s life in a positive manner. And like the early church, continue meeting together, encouraging one another and praising God together.

Albert Einstein once said, “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”  The satisfaction of incorporating service into our lives and making a difference in our community and country are plentiful. The intangible benefits alone—such as pride, satisfaction and accomplishment—are worthwhile reasons to serve. But, most importantly, it is only through service to others that we truly become Christ-like. He reached out to those minimalized by society; unloved and unwanted.

Each day, He orchestrates opportunities for us to help others. He cares about even the littlest things in our hearts. And it is our privilege to bring the Father’s affirming whispered message to others: “You are loved! You matter!  I have wonderful things planned for you.”

One thought on “A School of Fish

  1. June

    this ties in so well with our current church readings Ephesians 4/5
    how we need to all pull together tell truths and be sin free. I am proud
    to be a fish and part of Gods swarm


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