
Was it some peculiar Bahamian tradition?

On this tour, whenever the guide wanted our group to move along he’d say, “Amen, sisters; let’s go brothers!” His signal was both hilarious and memorable.

Every once in a while, I need a “amen.” Not the tiny little one you whisper at the end of a personal prayer.  No, right now I need the loud, riotous one where the preacher shouts, “Can I get an amen?” and the congregation rises to the challenge with a roaring “amen” that literally shakes the rafters and can be heard down the street.

Do you ever need a good, old-fashioned, “amen” to remind you you’re not in the minority?

Christianity isn’t for wimps. Our God is a radical Being. God pulled on skin to help us fit into ours, made His love lesson into words we can read.  The God who renovated this fallen world with nails driven right through His hands expects us to not only receive His love, but also share it with our world.

Our job description is deceptively simple – to “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)  I don’t know about you, but that requires more strength than I have, more compassion than is in my heart, more love than I am capable of. It’s only when we know we have extravagantly received grace that we can extravagantly reach out in grace.

When extending myself in a difficult situation, I’m left with questions that haunt us all: “Was it worth it?  Did it make a difference?”

That’s when I take a good long look at His nail-scared hands.  They pierce my pride and self-importance. Because I believe in my walk with Jesus, I have wounded Him enough for Him to ask the same question about me, “Was it worth it?”

Christ doesn’t see it that way, I know.  He willingly laid down His life to save mine so I would be saved by His grace.  Aided by this, I have the courage to live a radically different, sold-out life for Him.  I Corinthians encourages us, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” Christianity means risking being wrong with the world to be right with Him.

Knowing His grace covers me motivates me to live a life reaching out to others, helping to meet the needs of others and throwing a servant’s towel across my arm and digging in.  Knowing even if my attempt is imperfect, a child precious to God was shown His light today.

The more I accept His grace and am filled with His mercy, the more I can spread His love throughout the world.

Can I get an “Amen?”

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