I’ll Come To You!

Desert HighwayI was stunned, speechless. For the gal who always has something to say, this was way out of the ordinary. My friend, June, with those four precious words, offered a miracle. “I’ll come to you,” didn’t mean a brief neighborhood trip. It didn’t mean I’ll pick you up for a quick trip to the mall, or grocery story, or any nearby place. This gracious, loving woman meant she was willing to fly over half way across the country just to be with me!

During this season, my husband and I live 2500 miles apart. Technology and frequent visits keep us connected, but not as close as two people still desperately in love after 24 years of marriage want to be. You miss things; the daily hugs, the night times kisses, the comfort of knowing your spouse is right there beside you ready to soothe when life turns sour.

Our anniversary is the beginning of August; my birthday, a milestone one at that, is the beginning of September. In mid-August, I have commitments in the city where he lives. Try as we might, he and I couldn’t be together on our celebratory days and stay within budget. It was just too expensive to fly back and forth and keep the dog at the dog sitter. Knowing it was important to be together for these precious days, my husband suggested I drive out for the month between our anniversary and my birthday. That’s driving 2500 miles alone with just a German Shepherd for company. And as much as I tried to convince myself, I can do one mile 2500 times, it wasn’t working.

Until that glorious day, when June stepped in, offering to fly out and drive back with me. “I’ll come to you.” I hadn’t even asked her. It was as if the heavens opened up with those words and love came raining down. My beautiful, wonderful friend was willing to put aside her life, her time, her energy to be with me, to sacrifice for me by offering the safety of another person. The kindness she extended was truly a gift of extravagant love.

There is another who says, “I’ll come to you.” 1 John 4:10 tells us, This is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins! God doesn’t love us because we loved Him first. The loneliness of this world is a faint whisper that says, “You don’t belong,” then Christ counters with, “I’ll come to you, my beloved.”

In the midst of our fear, we touch the depth of God, who is always there. He was coming to you long before you arrived on this earth. He was coming to you when you didn’t even know you needed Him. The Lord Himself has been completely claiming you with His love for all eternity.

Having my friend beside me will add comfort to those long miles. But God, the One who holds the universe in His hands, provides comfort each and every day. In the lowest valleys, the highest peaks or even the long stretches of nothingness, His power and security are there for you.

He always, lovingly whispers, “I’ll come to you.”

4 thoughts on “I’ll Come To You!

  1. June

    A lovely comparison, Myra! and how wonderful that your friend is able to bless you in this way! The first half of paragraph three had me a little confused. I had to read it back over slowly to understand what you were sharing – but I think that had more to do with me than how it’s written. < Inklings {in} Christ

  2. Kristen Larson

    This almost made me cry, both thinking about the elation you must feel at being able to see your man and not have to drive it alone, and the beautiful parallel you drew to God. God bless you during this time. I cannot imagine having to be that far away from my husband. I hope your time with him is so so sweet!

    1. Myra Wells Post author

      Thanks so much, Kristen. I’m very fortunate to have June as a friend. I’ve truly been blessed. It will be fun to see the country with my good friend at my side.

  3. Beth (@SimplyBeth3)

    Good morning, Myra. Your wonderful story made me think of the book Love Does by Bob Goff. Your friend is coming to you because that is what Love Does. That is what Jesus would do. I just love that she is coming to you . . . what amazing love that is. God’s kind of love. I love how you brought this together. Nicely done.


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