Tag Archives: presence of God

The Land of the Free

“Only in America,” my cousin lamented, “would an unqualified man be given a job over a qualified woman.” Her voice is one of millions dissatisfied with the Presidential elections in my country. Throughout the campaign, the rhetoric was filled with anger, hatred and fear, which has continued now that the election is over. Clearly we have a long way to go to heal our country. There are great enemies around us, but there is also a far greater enemy within us.

Lately I’ve been praying for unity and not just in the United States, but throughout the world. I’ve especially centered on the 23rd Psalm – yes, the beloved one most often read at funerals. The words comparing our God to a watchful, caring Shepherd give me great hope when I become overly anxious over the instability of the world. There is an even more poignant reason I’m turning to it after this election.

King David, the author, had his own difficult transition into office. As a young shepherd, the prophet Samuel called David out of the sheep pasture and anointed him king without the permission of the current king, Saul. After David was appointed king and defeated Goliath, David had to flee from Saul, who sought to perpetuate his reign by killing his replacement. Certainly, not the smoothest of transitions.

pastureI imagine David’s heart racing wondering when Saul would murder him, yet being calmed as the future ruler wrote of still waters and the peace of green pastures. David reminds himself and us of God’s character and the promise He has for our lives. The words bring comfort when we are in the very thick of life, in the moments of our crisis that seems never ending. David writes boldly and without question about his overwhelming experience of God’s faithfulness.

God’s faithfulness has not diminished. The same God David wrote about centuries ago is still walking beside us today. If we abide in Him, He will take care of our needs. If David could find security in God as others plot his demise, we can anchor our security in Jesus despite the outcome of an election.

There is great truth in David’s writing since he truly was walking through the shadow of death. I’m sure he felt death was closing in on him, surrounding him until his fear and frustration would literally suffocate him. Yet God met him right in the middle of David’s darkest moments with blessing, comfort and anointing.

It is unrealistic to think there are no real consequences of the outcome of this election. I live in an area of the country where an estimated 10% of the population is undocumented. When they lie down to sleep, their thoughts are populated with being rounded up and shipped back to a homeland they sought to escape for the privileges and freedom America offers. There are others who worry about global terrorism, imminent war or economic collapse. No matter what country you live in, this election has ramifications on our well-being, that of our neighbors and the world.

Given recent headlines, it is safe to say we are all afraid. We all feel more insecure than confident, more weak than strong. Despite our anxiousness, let us never forget we have a Good Shepherd.

Right now, there are deeply divided lines in my country – about the election, about race, about sexuality, about our future.  There is real fear and pain on both sides, but no matter where in the world you live, this is not the time to dismiss each other, but to seek security at all times in our Shepherd.

Because God is with us, we can be with each other. Because our Shepherd is on the throne, we can pray for each other and our future. Because our compassionate God is all powerful, we can be compassionate towards others because that is the example our formidable God gave us. And because of God’s great love, we can reach across any man-made divide for the sake of unity and healing.

Our God is not limited to a term of four years. He will be on the throne forever and His goodness and love will follow us all the days of our lives.

Like David, we will fear no evil because God is always with us.

Rescuing Max

I wanted to celebrate! Knowing that afternoon was the end of a grueling public speaking class, I made arrangements to have dinner with a friend. The night signaled the end of speech writing, practicing and worse yet, standing in front of a camera to be videotaped. It was time for salad, garlic bread and fettuccini. And fun!

Living between my friend’s house and the restaurant, I asked her if she’d like to split the driving. She could drive to my house and I’d drive the rest of the way to our evening’s destination. When she arrived at my home, seeing she was clearly upset, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Do you know the owner of a golden retriever or maybe a golden lab?”

I shook my head no. “Why?”

“When I pulled into your subdivision, I noticed one walking aimlessly around. There didn’t seem to be anyone with him and I am worried.” Still, she hopped into my car and we prepared to leave.

golden retrieverDriving a little further down the street, we saw him – a golden dog sniffing the ground just out for a stroll by himself. I decided to turn my car to follow him down the street. He was an older dog, so it didn’t seem like he would be hard to catch. Would he even come to us? Fortunately, he ducked into a garage and walked around the car located inside. My friend stood at one end of the car; I stood at the other.

The dog didn’t seem to like my friend, but he came directly to me. Soon, I was holding him by his collar and reading his tags. Max, it said. Max Horton. And beside that both an address and a phone number. Pay dirt!

Because it was my car and I own a dog, I grabbed a leash from the back seat, put it on Max and lead him to my car. He jumped right into my backseat covered with blankets to protect the leather from my dog’s claws.

Calling the phone number got us voice mail, so we decided to drive Max to his house. As we made the last turn onto the street, a few teenage boys stood at the corner. One of them yelled, “Max!” As soon as I stopped my car, the boy opened the door and began hugging his newly found dog. This truly heartfelt reunion almost made two grown women cry.

The Lord directs the ways of the godly. He delights in every detail of their life. Psalm 37:23.

Both my friend and I were reminded once again God is always one step ahead of us. When my friend and I were making plans, the original plan was to meet at the restaurant since the end time of my class might be fluid. She was willing to be flexible, so we changed our plans and decided I’d call her once home and we’d go together. This meant she’d see Max on the way to my house and I’d be driving a car that was not only dog-proofed, but also contained a very necessary item: a dog leash. God had orchestrated our steps to help a needy canine.

It isn’t just dogs that need rescuing. Even though we are anxious about what is happening in our lives, God goes before us. He knew you would encounter a difficulty even before you were born and He has been planning its resolution since then.

If you are going through a rough patch in a relationship, God goes before you. He directs the steps of the godly. This means it’s up to God to be the director. Your job is to follow His direction. When we want to be in control, following is tough. But always remember, when you are navigating your life, God cannot direct you to His best.

All of us belong to a loving God. He is Lord and the sole director of our lives. It is only His grace that we are rescued and redeemed. No matter where your path is going –  through the weeds or to a sunny mountaintop victory – God is always directing your steps. He is writing a beautiful story worth telling. Keep trusting Him and keep walking in His grace. He will always be one step ahead of you.

From the Border…

It was only 335 miles – piece of cake – from the Arizona/New Mexico border to Tucumcari, our stop for the night. Driving it would be fun – something I could do in my sleep. Only I learned a valuable lesson – never, ever use the words I could do it in my sleep in the same sentence as driving.

20160728_182724_resizedIt was late afternoon when I took over the wheel from my husband. Both of us were exhausted from difficult days prior to this trip. I thought I could easily take the strain of this leg away from my husband. After the sun dipped low in the sky and eventually disappeared, I was beyond my comfort zone.

That’s when the name calling started…

Not from my husband, but from that well deep inside of me where my cruel self-talk resides. Idiot! What makes you think you are a good enough driver to drive all this way in the dark? You are so stupid!

Anytime I make mistakes or bad decisions, these thoughts spring forth. Part of it is impatience with myself; part of it is the knowledge I should have known better. No matter what, though, this name calling hurts! Instead of thinking positive and encouraging thoughts, I find the ugly part of me that has wiggled so deep inside it now feels part of me. I wound myself all over again.

That night, when I pulled into our motel’s parking lot, I momentarily placed my head on the steering wheel and lifted up a prayer to God. Thank You for getting us through. Thank You for keeping us safe. Thank You for keeping me on the road!

Even a strong prayer of Thanksgiving doesn’t negate all that brutal self-talk. Does it come as naturally to you as it does to me? We punish ourselves with contempt if we think we haven’t accomplished what we should, didn’t show kindness to others, or my favorite: couldn’t keep up with the dust, disorder and dirt in the house.

How we talk to ourselves matters.

When I approach God, this crouching attitude of derision often follows me. I am constantly apologizing for my stupidity, my pride, my laziness, my mistakes. I get so bogged down in these words of shame and disrespect sometimes I think God believes them, also.

With my head on the steering wheel, He whispered to me, “You are called my delight.” The warmth enveloping me as I slipped out of the car to register was palpable. His delight! No way! The next day, I looked up delight on Biblegateway. What He said in the 8th century BC is still as pertinent today. “No longer will you be called deserted. (or reckless or stupid or dumb) Instead, you will be called My delight is in her.” (Isaiah 62:4)

Before I fell asleep, those same negative thoughts invaded my sleep. It is so easy to punish ourselves when we are disappointed in our own behavior. It becomes so natural, we forget to stop it. Sadly, we begin to think we deserve it.

If God calls us His Delight, what business do we have of correcting him with our negative self-talk? We are loved by a God who called us Delight and never Disappointment. As a child of God, it is my birthright to call myself His Delight.

I slept soundly despite the difficult, tiring day. God brought me from the border of disappointment in myself to delighting in Him. No matter what I say about myself, He has the final word. And his ultimate, everlasting word is: My delight is in her.